Firm-wide Sustainability Strategy

The factors that determine a project’s eventual performance are often far upstream from the project itself. Organizational sustainability strategy is the process of holistically examining a firm and then working with firm leaders to implement an effective sustainability & building performance program. Dept. of Sustainability takes a unique approach to sustainability strategy, focusing on five tiers of impact: vision, culture, process, resources, and strategies. These tiers are then broken down into forty distinct program elements that firms can implement to support a project at every level. Elements of a High Performance Practice, the diagram below, lays out the approach.

Click of the diagram for a larger version.

Click of the diagram for a larger version.

The hierarchy of Sustainability Strategy

Vision - Why we do what we do
Culture - The environment that supports the vision
Process - The pathway towards the vision
Resources -
Necessary knowledge and skills
Strategies - Individual actions taken to achieve the vision

Sustainability visioning workshop

Firm-wide Sustainability Strategy Consulting
Whether a firm is new to sustainable design or looking to take their projects to the next level, this holistic process will analyze the firm’s current efforts, determine a strategy for improvement, and fully implement a firm wide sustainability and building performance program.